Monday, May 23, 2011

Carrot removal

Well the day has finally arrived. No, not Rapture Day, Edie's surgery Day. We're off to the hospital today to get Edie ready for her operation tomorrow. She's pumped about not ever having to wear a bag again, but a little concerned that she is going to have to get a "sting". It's hard to believe that she's worn a colostomy bag (and we've had to change it everyday) for the past eight months. Time flies when you're having fun!

We're thankful to have Nanna Midgie on board for practical and moral support. She has already paid dividends as Laura and I are able to ride in the front seat of the car. Edie demands that someone be crammed into the back seat with her and Celia, and Midgie has got the call. They've been two birds of a feather since she arrived, reading plenty of books and going for walks together. But now comes the hard part, 5-10 days in the hospital while managing grumpy Celia, all with me heading off overseas at the end of this week. Here's hoping it all goes well and Edie comes out in two pieces on the other side.

May 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of Edie (and the rest of the family) today. Hope all goes well!