Saturday, April 2, 2011

Looking for meaning...

So, this is a short something that I thought was rather funny and share-worthy.

Tim is collaborating with a Lithuanian colleague on a paper. They didn't know each other before Tim was asked to join in as a co-author but have since learned a bit more about the other. So the other day this colleague sent along a word document to Tim telling him about his family and in particular his two daughters. He also described what his daughters' names meant, and they happened to be lovely and romantic meanings. Tim, thinking he'd send back information about our family did a little search to check out the meaning of Edie and Celia's names, and they are as follows:

Celia: blind
Edie: prosperous at war

So we didn't do our homework when it came to meanings of names. Guilty. I do happen to think that the meaning of Edie's name is quite apt, however. Let's just hope that 'blind' is a metaphor in Celia's case, i.e. blind to skin color (or something equally catch-phrase worthy) and not physically blind, but we'll see (Rick Cunjak, that was for you).

Some new pictures, sorry for the repetative poses on the part of Celia, like the manatee all she does is eat and sleep.

Love to all,


Little Celia rockin' the duck suit

Bouncy chair of neglect courtesy of Steph

Bathtime with big sister the excellent helper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the names you have chosen for your little ones! Baby names are kinda my hobby, so this is what I've found about their names...not as bad as you think!!
You are right about Edie's name, it comes from Edith and Edith is derived from the old English name Eadgyð, means blessed in war. Lillian is thought to have come from Elizabeth which means "God is my oath". So Edie will be prosperous at war, with God as her wittness. This could create a problem :) At least you know she will never back down :)

Celia is actually derived from the male name "CAELIUS". Caelius was derived from the latin word "caelum" meaning heaven. And Eleanor means shining light. So her full name means "Heaven's shining light".