Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jardine Sabbatical Adventure- GO!

Living it up in Saskatchewan!
Well, 2017 and 2018 have had their share of adventures for this family and we've definitely fallen behind in posting. Lots has happened, some of the good includes Tim making tenure and Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. Right up there with that is our newest adventure, Tim's first sabbatical year, beginning in July. We're pretty excited. We hope to keep this site updated with pictures and writings about our adventures, first in Nova Scotia (July-December 2018), and then New Zealand (January-June 2019).

One harder adventure has been saying goodbye to my oldest sister Heather, who passed away on Palm Sunday (March 25th, 2018) from what began as colon cancer, diagnosed in February of 2017. It's a long story, and many wonderful stories are wrapped up in it, but it's also so very sad and hard to believe. While I love the internet as a communication tool, this story is a face-to-face kind of story. So figure out how to find me face-to-face, and we can make it happen. Good luck!

If you don't know, Heather is the good-looking lass in the stripes. Christmas, 2017.
Please keep in touch!  Especially those friends we're leaving behind in Saskatchewan! Also, our door is always open- drop in if you're nearby. Leave a comment and we can figure things out!

Love to all,

Laura, on behalf of the team.

Our kids are still super awesome.