Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Home Stretch

33 more days until we head back to Canada. It's really hard to not focus totally on that, missing the awesome days that are to be had right now here in Brisbane, arguably one of the best places to live on the planet. But ya, our hearts are kind of already home.

I come from a long line of amazing ladies, and the Queen Bee on my Dad's side, his mother Eleanor, passed away on Friday after an almost 2 week struggle following 2 mini-strokes the week prior. Before it all went south I was really, really, really hoping to see her again when I got home in December. Now, I'm glad that she's not suffering anymore. Because I'm not anywhere near home I forget that people are living and ageing the same as we are down here...Gram was 96. She wore it well.

We, and a whole lot of people, will miss this amazing Lady. A bonus- I got to watch the funeral as it happened due to amazing technology (I felt like a fly on the wall)...3am as it was, but you know, I'm often up at 3am anyway and thought I might kill a few birds with one stone. Celia slept on my lap as I watched which made the experience even more memorable. I do love my family, and they did a great job celebrating my Gram's life.

It's also the end of day 2 without my very good husband. He left for a week-long work trip in Singapore on Monday. I do miss him and so do the girls. Days seem to be so much more eventful when he's not around though...Today while attempting to get Celia to go to sleep Edie succeeded in plugging the bathroom sink and letting the water run until I saw what 'happened to the sink', we got school pictures done with no small effort to get Edie to participate, and when I tucked Edie into bed tonight to send her off to lala land I clipped her nose with my elbow and she experienced her first bloody nose. Oh, and I jammed my thumb in the car door earlier in the day. Just weird stuff that doesn't happen when Tim's here.

As I finish this post on Wednesday morning I can't help but mention that Edie slept like a baby last night without any intervention, perhaps the jolt to the nose jostled some loose wiring.

I wouldn't mess with these two if I met them on a dark street corner, especially the little one with the pipes.

Love to all,


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New beanies

Edie was so excited to get a package in the mail for her and Ceeley today. Nana and Poppa Jardine sent along jingle beanies in anticipation of our cold move across the planet (45 days but who's counting). A pretty exciting day in the Jardine household. Thanks to Bob and Debbie.

Love to all.